Weekly summary of IDF anti-terror activity

Weekly summary of IDF anti-terror activity

    Mortar bomb confiscated at the Hawara checkpoint, south of Nablus (Dec 21)

    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)

    In the past week, IDF forces have continued operating against terrorist infrastructures in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip.

    Summary of IDF activity in the Gaza Strip:

    In the past week, IDF forces operated in the Gaza Strip in order to distance terrorist organizations - particularly Hamas - from the security fence, and to operate against Kassam rockets and mortar shells fired into Israel. Over 20 gunmen were killed.

    On Thursday, December 20, IDF forces from the Infantry Corps, the Armored Corps and the Combat Engineering Unit, with the assistance of the Air Force, operated in the central Gaza Strip against terror threats. During the activity, an IDF soldier was seriously wounded when Palestinian gunmen fired an anti-tank missile at the forces. In several incidents, the forces identified gunmen approaching them and responded with fire, from the air and from the ground, killing seven terrorists. Different kinds of weaponry were uncovered on their persons.

    On Tuesday, December 18, the IDF targeted an Islamic Jihad terror cell in the northern Gaza Strip that was involved in rocket firing into Israel. In addition, the IDF targeted several armed gunmen who were located near a Hamas post in the southern Gaza Strip. The attack was conducted following the firing of mortar shells at the community of Kerem Shalom during that day.

    On Monday, December 17, the IDF targeted a vehicle carrying an Islamic Jihad terror cell including Jihad Dhaher and Majid al-Harazin. Harazin was one of the heads of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip and was in charge of rocket launching cells that launched rockets on a daily basis at Israeli communities. On the same day, the IDF targeted an Islamic Jihad terrorist cell in Gaza city, of which Karim al-Dachduch was a member.

    On last Thursday, December 13, the IDF targeted a terrorist cell that fired rockets into Israel earlier that day.

    In the past week, Palestinians fired over 45 mortar shells and over 25 Kassam rockets at the communities of the western Negev and against IDF forces. Most of them landed in Israel.

    Summary of IDF activity in the Judea and Samaria region:

    In the past week IDF forces continued to operate against terrorist organizations in the Judea and Samaria region and in the Jordan Valley in order to prevent the execution of terrorist attacks in the Israeli home front and in Judea and Samaria.

    During a joint ISA and IDF operation in Silat Al-Harithiya on Wednesday, December 19, an IDF force arrested an Islamic Jihad terror operative by the name of Sami Salid Rashid Zayud, after he was discovered hiding in the village. The Islamic Jihad in northern Samaria, which Zayud was affiliated with, is responsible for a large number of suicide bombing attacks in which dozens of Israeli civilians were killed and hundreds were injured. Zayud was responsible for planning an attempted terrorist attack in September 2002. The attack was intended to destroy a residential apartment building using a vehicle outfitted with 400 kilograms of explosives. Sami Zayud was injured by IDF fire during the operation and was taken for medical treatment at a hospital in Israel.

    Also on Wednesday, a stabbing attempt was thwarted at the Hawara checkpoint, when a Palestinian man who aroused the suspicion of the soldiers manning the checkpoint, pulled out a knife and tried to stab an IDF soldier. The soldiers stopped the man and arrested him. He was later taken for questioning by security forces.

    During a joint IDF, ISA and Border Police operation in the Jenin refugee camp last Thursday, December 13, a special Border Police force arrested Abed Al Rahman Barjis, a senior Islamic Jihad terror operative in the Jenin refugee camp. In the past few years, Barjis had been involved in numerous shooting attacks and planting explosive devices against IDF forces in the region.

    In the past week IDF forces discovered two improvised explosive devices, two AK-47 assault rifles, one handgun, one sniper rifle and one improvised handgun. Palestinian gunmen hurled an explosive device at IDF forces and opened fire in five different instances at IDF forces.

    IDF forces arrested 80 wanted Palestinians in the region of Judea, Samaria and the Jordan valley. They were taken for questioning by security forces.